Derry teen (15) arrested in connection with bus vandalism and graffiti

Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) stock image. Picture: Aodhan Roberts/Belfast Telegraph.

Niamh Campbell

A 15-year-old boy in Derry has been released on bail after being arrested in connection with multiple offences, including criminal damage to property and vehicles, harassment and interference with vehicles.

The arrest was in connection with a number of reports received in the Clonmeen Drive and Temple Road area of Strathfoyle, in which a bus window was smashed last Saturday.

It coincided with reports of antisocial behaviour in the Deramore Drive area on the same date (September 23).

The arrest also comes following a report on Sunday September 24 that graffiti had been daubed on a bus shelter in Clonmeen Drive.

When conducting enquiries in the area, police further discovered graffiti daubed on a nearby defibrillator unit.

The 15-year-old has since been released on bail pending further enquiries.

Chief Inspector Yvonne McManus said: “We will continue with a visible presence in the area with our Neighbourhood Policing Team officers on patrol and we will investigate reports made to us, or that come to our attention.

“We will continue to meet with partner agencies and representatives, and we want to reassure the community we are committed to working together. I want to take this opportunity to urge residents to continue reporting any concerns so that we can take action. You can get in touch with us on 101, always 999 in an emergency. You can also make a report anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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