RARITAN, NJ — Charges connected to graffiti in the borough and domestic violence were reported last week in Raritan.
Raritan Police Blotter between Sept. 18 and Sept. 22:
On Sept. 18: Jack Palmera, 28, of Somerville, and Veronica Ortiz, 19, of Raritan, were each charged with criminal mischief as a result of an investigation into various forms of graffiti found throughout the borough in July. It was determined that Palmera caused around $3,200 worth of damage to numerous signs and pieces of property that he had tagged. Ortiz had caused less than $500 of damage. Palmera and Ortiz were identified through social media and surveillance footage. Palmera and Ortiz were processed and released pending a court appearance. Detective Sergeant Benjamin Griffin investigated the incident.
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On Sept. 20 at 10:56 p.m.: A 45-year-old Raritan man was arrested and charged with simple assault stemming from a domestic violence incident. The man was lodged in the Somerset County Jail.
On Sept. 20 at 12:43 a.m.: A 37-year-old Raritan man was arrested and charged with simple assault stemming from a domestic violence incident. The man was lodged in the Somerset County Jail.
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On Sept. 22 at 3:46 p.m.: Raritan Officers were dispatched to the Quick Chek on the Somerville Circle for a disorderly conduct report. On scene, officers identified the subject of the report as Jeffrey Phillips, 38, of Brick. A subsequent warrant check revealed Phillips was wanted by the Neptune Township Municipal Court for trespassing. Phillips was placed under arrest and later released on his own recognizance.
On Sept. 22: A 48-year-old Raritan man was charged with simple assault stemming from a domestic violence incident. The man was issued a summons and a court appearance is pending.
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