DOYLESTOWN BOROUGH, PA — The Central Bucks Regional Police Department reported the following incidents between August 6 and 24:
Sunday, August 6
- Criminal Mischief, Lindenfield Parkway, Chalfont Borough. Unknown person(s) spray painted vulgar language and anarchy symbols along the walking path.
Monday, August 7
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- Criminal Mischief, Twin Streams Park, Chalfont Borough. Unknown person(s) spray painted graffiti in the park which was similar to the graffiti on Lindenfield Parkway.
Wednesday, August 9
- Criminal Mischief, War Memorial Field, Doylestown Borough. Unknown person(s) spray painted graffiti along the top bleachers on the home field side of the stadium.
Thursday, August 10
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- Criminal Mischief, Jana Circle, Chalfont Borough. Unknown person(s) threw a rock through a residential window causing damage.
Thursday, August 17
- Pick Pocketing, County Theater, Doylestown Borough. An unknown person stole a patron’s wallet and subsequently used the victim’s credit cards.
Monday, August 21
- Criminal Mischief, Lynwood Drive, Chalfont Borough. Unknown person(s) damaged several mailboxes along Lynwood Drive.
Thursday, August 24
- Retail Theft, 7-11 Store, New Britain Borough. An unknown person stole a charity container from the countertop before leaving the store.
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