Guests admire Cirencester Polo Club’s first street art and sculpture exhibition

GUESTS descended on Cirencester Park Polo Club Brasserie to enjoy a sneak-peak at its first street art and sculpture exhibition last night.

Mark Pepperall from Oink Gallery in Swindon curated the show, which he entitled ‘Legende, The Good, The Great and The Infamous’.

Attendees at the preview event – which was held at The Ivy Lodge Clubhouse on Thursday, September 14 – drank champagne and admired a range of unframed prints, original paintings, limited edition framed artworks and sculptures on display.

An array of colourful pieces by top artists such as Jeff Koons, Mason Storm, Banksy, Soozy Lipsey and Andrew J Miller adorned the walls of the clubhouse.

This exhibition will be up in the clubhouse this weekend for the public to view.

Most of the art on display will be available to buy, and prices range from £100 all the way up to £15,000.

Organisers want to remind visitors that the Gouldsmith Bowl Polo Tournament will take place on Sunday so there will be a gate fee while the polo is on.

Executive chef at Cirencester Park Polo Club Brasserie Ethan Rodgers said: “It was a great turn out and something we would like to do again in the future.

“This venue has so much potential and we want to showcase what we can do, from wedding breakfasts to other family gatherings and corporate events.

“We hope to open over the winter for Sunday lunches and event nights so keep an eye on our website and socials.

“Oink have done an amazing job and the art looks amazing.”

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