Ian Curtis Mural Recreated at New Location, Unveiled on World Suicide Prevention Day
Photo via Aske Instagram
A mural of Joy Division’s frontman Ian Curtis has been repainted in a new location after the original portrait of the musician was mistakenly removed last year and replaced by an Amazon Music ad that promoted British rapper Aitch’s debut album. The new piece was unveiled over the weekend to mark World Suicide Prevention Day on Sept. 10, 2023.
The newly revealed portrait was painted by Aske, who received planning permission to redo the mural after discussions with local officials to replace the mistakenly removed work of art, which now resides on the side of a pub near Piccadilly railway station in Manchester. Notable, Aske also delivered the initial painting that had been removed.
Aske’s first take on the portrait was located on Port Street in October 2020 and has been a beloved destination for fans of the band to pay their respects to Curtis. The mural pays tribute to Joy Division’s aforementioned principal songwriter, who died by suicide in 1980, leaving his substantial stamp on the post-punk community.
The artwork was commissioned by Headstock, the Manchester-based music and well-being festival, and Aitch’s management company. Following the plan’s approval, the mural commenced on Monday, September 4, to the side of the Star and Garter pub on Fairfield Street.
If you or a loved one is experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Suicide and Crisis Hotline at 988. Visit afsp.org, for more information.