Zagreb’s new approach to fight graffiti problem

Zagreb’s new approach to tackle graffiti problem


In the Croatan capital Zagreb, the problem of illegal graffiti has been present for years, especially in the city centre. 

In downtown Zagreb alone, there are more than 3,500 such graffiti, reports HRT. To address or at least mitigate the problem, the City of Zagreb has introduced three measures.

The first measure involves the City providing 100% funding for the removal of existing graffiti. 

“The second measure concerns applying anti-graffiti coatings, which will make it easier to remove future graffiti, and it is also fully funded,” stated Irena Matković, Deputy Head of the City Office for Strategic Planning. 

“The third measure involves the installation of surveillance cameras, with 80% funding for street facades or up to 750 euros,” she added. 

Owners who apply for these measures can choose which ones they prefer. By the end of this year, 400,000 euros have been allocated for the implementation of these measures.

“There’s a thin line between vandalism and art,” Matković emphasized. “The commission will, in a way, prioritize areas, with historical-urban areas of the city, zones A and B, taking precedence as they are the most affected by graffiti. Each building can apply once for the use of these measures.”

Street artist Boris Bare also supports the idea of cleaning up Zagreb and installing cameras. However, he points out that there’s a fine line between vandalism and art. 

“Derogatory words, swastikas, and such things have no place on buildings in a city like Zagreb,” he stressed. “That spray can, if it falls into the wrong hands, can cause significant damage, but if it falls into the right hands, it takes many more to create something beautiful,” Bare warned. 

There is no deadline for the public call, and next year, even more funding will be provided, higher than this year.

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