Carrollton’s Main Street Program and the Carroll County Arts Board will collaborate on their annual Main Street Art Walk from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 14.
The free event involves a sidewalk chalk art contest by various age groups located on Main Street in Carrollton.
“Everybody has their own little section of sidewalk and they create whatever masterpiece they want to with sidewalk chalk,” said Heather Clymer, promoter of the event and vice president of the Main Street Program.
Age groups will include kindergarten to third grade, fourth grade to seventh grade, eighth grade to 12th grade and adults category. There will be prizes for first, second, and third place with $30, $20 and $10 cash prizes, respectably, as well as medals.
“It’s really simple,” Clymer said. “They just come and get their chalk and when they’re done drawing they don’t even have to stay around or anything to see if they win. They’ll be notified.”
Registration begins at 10 a.m. on the day of the event and there are no eligibility requirements. “It’s been a small event so far. I’m hoping to build on that,” she said.
With a history for a small turnout of artists so far, Clymer has contacted Carroll County Middle and High Schools to invite more students and contacted art teachers to see if their students are willing to participate even suggesting it could be an extra credit project for their classes.
The only rules are that contestant must compete in the correct age category and their artwork must be age appropriate. “We’ve never had an issue that I know of with any of that,” Clymer said. “It’s pretty simple and straight forward.”
“I am hoping that we will have a really big turnout and honestly, I can’t wait to see what everybody draws,” Clymer said. “You know, what I do for my line of work is art, so I’ve always loved seeing people be creative.”