PFP or ‘picture for profile’ NFTs are digital assets that are used as profile pictures or as digital avatars. They are also used to show support for the artist and the collection. These NFTs have surged in popularity. They are mostly used by NFT enthusiasts who are supporting the project and show their inclination towards it.
Blur is the NFT marketplace that has made its place in this competitive NFT market. It is used by many NFT traders and artists due to its low fees, high speed, and unique features. Some of the PFP NFTs on the Blur platform are discussed below.
BoredApeYachtClub is a non-fungible token built on the Ethereum blockchain. Social media shows the popularity of this NFT as PFPs. It is a unique art created by Yuga Labs. It was launched in 2021 on the Ethereum blockchain.
The most popular PFP image on the Blur platform is BoredApeYachtClub. It has a floor price of 25.65 ETH. The NFT has 5631 owners which is 56% and has a supply of 9998. There is no royalty for this image. This NFT Top bid is 25.15 ETH. The NFT has different traits like background, clothes, earrings, eyes, fur, hat, and mouth.
BoredApeKennelClub is a collection of avatars built on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a part of Yuga Labs’ general collection. It was created to reward the BoredApeYachtClub holders. These are furry four-legged friends with 170 different traits like back, background, eyes, feet, fur, head, etc.
This is the second most popular as well as trending PFP images on Blur. It has a floor price of 1.57 ETH. The NFT has 5199 owners which is 545 and has a supply of 9602. There is no royalty for this image. This NFT top bid is 1.55 ETH.
Milady is also among the trending PFP images on Blur. This collection of generative PFP NFTs is built on the Ethereum blockchain. These are inspired by Tokyo street fashion created by Charlotte Fang. This NFT has become a top choice for profile pictures by users and influencers.
It has a floor price of 1.892 ETH. The NFT has 3682 owners which is 37% and a supply of 9978. The royalty for this image is 0.5%. This NFT top bid is 1.87 ETH.
The NFT has different traits like background, core, drip grade, drip score, earring, eye color, etc.
MutantApeYachtClub is a collection that was created to reward Bored Ape NFT holders. It is a popular trending NFT on Blur. It has a floor price of 4.91 ETH. The NFT has11,524 owners which is 59% and a supply of 19, 481. There is no royalty for this image. This NFT top bid is 4.87 ETH.