Palmdale Citizens Unite to Remove 10,668 Sq. Ft. of Graffiti in “Say It, Don’t Spray It” Initiative

Last month, the citizens of Palmdale, California, spearheaded by a team of volunteers and community ambassadors, undertook the “Say It, Don’t Spray It” initiative, successfully removing 10,668 square feet of graffiti from their neighborhoods.

This initiative is a testament to a collective action and awareness of the detrimental effect graffiti has on, not just community aesthetics, but also economic wellbeing. The “Say It, Don’t Spray It” campaign is an ongoing endeavor dedicated to preserving the city’s charm with more events lined up for October 26 and November 30.  

Amid this initiative, Palmdale Government has urged local residents, through their official Facebook page, to contribute to the beautification of the city and instill a sense of community pride. Inspired by this call to action, locals Christina Fraga-Saenz and Megan Bailey Blaha have registered to join the anti-graffiti team.

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