Familiar local artists with all styles and backgrounds in art, will be expressing their unique perspectives through the diversity and innovation of digital art in the Tehama Arts Gallery’s exhibit, “Spectrum of Pixels: Exploring the Digital Canvas.”
Meet the artists at an opening reception from 5-8 p.m., Friday, Oct. 6, at Tehama Arts Gallery, 328 Oak St., Red Bluff, across from the State Theatre. The event is sponsored by the Tehama County Arts Council.
“All the work, time and talent to do digital art is the same as in traditional art,” said Angie LaBlanc, event chairwoman. “The only difference is the tools you use to create.”
Come celebrate the amazing styles of original works the artists have created by pushing the boundaries of digital tools and software.
The exhibit will be open to the public Oct. 6-21, Thursdays and Fridays, 12-6 p.m., Saturdays 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
For additional information go online to www.tehamaarts.org, tcacarts@gmail.com, or call (530) 278-5691.