The charge stems from an incident from August of 2022 when Abdullah threw a cup of urine through the door of his prison cell at the Trumbull Correctional Institution striking an officer with it.

A Trumbull County inmate has pled guilty in court on Tuesday to throwing a cup of urine at a corrections officer.
According to the Trumbull County Prosecutor’s Office, 24-year-old Drequan Abdullah pled guilty to one count of harassment with a bodily substance and was sentenced to six months in prison.
This sentence will be served consecutively to the nine-year prison sentence Abdullah is currently serving for aggravated robbery and having weapons while under disability in Mahoning County.
The charge stems from an incident from August of 2022 when Abdullah threw a cup of urine through the door of his prison cell at the Trumbull Correctional Institution striking an officer with it.
This plea deal offset a jury trial that was scheduled to begin on October 23.