Suggestions are being sought for mural ideas to cover up graffiti in three East Yorkshire hotspots.
Three hotspots have been identified by East Riding Council’s Safe Communities team after consulting with people living in the affected areas. In a bid to prevent antisocial behaviour, the authority is planning to have murals painted to cover up the graffiti in each location.
It follows complaints from residents about the graffiti at Monkey Bridge and Kingsway Bridge, in Goole, which saw the council hire a street artist to paint bright murals honouring the Humber and nature respectively. Since they were introduced, there has been a significant drop-off in callouts for graffiti removal in the area.
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The latest three areas identified for new murals are –
- The entrance tunnel to Hessle Country Park
- Support columns under Hull Road bridge at Beverley Beck
- Melton Underpass under the A63 from Monks Way leading to Gibson Lane.
The council intends to use an experienced local street artist to help take the lead on the mural projects and a survey into the proposals has now been launched.
Street art is increasingly popular on a national scale to help deal with graffiti hotspots. At a local level, interest has skyrocketed in street art in recent years, particularly since Banksy made waves in Hull with his Draw The Raised Bridge work that was discovered in January 2018 on Scott Street Bridge.
Murals often reflect on themes that surround the nearby communities, such as history or local legends. A spokesperson for East Riding of Yorkshire Council said: “There are high costs attached for graffiti removal for the asset owners, and graffiti makes an area unpleasant and feel unsafe. If graffiti is not removed quickly, more usually appears.
“We work with ERVAS [East Riding Voluntary Action Services] and a professional street artist, incorporating local residents of all ages, to contribute to an appropriate design and the actual painting itself.
“Where suitable, we hope the development of murals can be done in conjunction with young people local to the area to support awareness and co-ownership of the sites. Where other mural projects have been completed, reports of graffiti have reduced significantly, and we have had very positive feedback on the finished work.”
The survey can be completed here